Righteousness; Attributed-Imputed,
By Faith or By Works?
We are in the process of considering the record handed down to us, from which everything that mankind needs to know, pertaining
to Life and Godliness, can be found.
All Law is derived from God the Creator, Deut. 4: 39, "Know therefore and take it to heart, that the Lord, He is God in
heaven above and on earth below, there is no other." This is accepted by the True Israelite, and the True Believer who is
called, Christian. The idea or thought embodied in the term, Law, has many connotations. Everything in our lives is effected
or regulated, in one way or another, by one kind of Law or another. The purest sense of the term law is that the Law is absolute.
A law is unchanging, and unchangeable, always constant. In the creation around us, this principle is very evident. The Law's
our creator put into effect in the beginning, governs every part of our existence. They have remained constant throughout
the centuries. Examples are day and night, seasons, planting and harvest, gravity, and a multitude of others. The only way
a Law can be changed, once it is put into effect is, if a greater Law Supersedes it. In this context it can be seen that there
are degrees of power that any one Law imposes upon the subject over which it administers it's power of authority. Thus, we
see that we have Law's of nature, civil law, judicial law, moral and ethical law, sanitary, ceremonial, and religious, etc.
They all have as their foundation, the Word of God. All were put into effect to maintain orderliness, to sustain all things,
to hold them together, to cohere. These laws are for the good of creation itself, and continue to serve their purpose for
our good and well being. They continue to do this because they are constant, until they are tampered with. Any one of them
can be used as an example, such as light or darkness, or speed. Examine gravity, the one that perhaps effects our every movement,
as well as our every moment. It is always constant until it is abrogated, or a greater law is brought to bare upon it, then
it's effect can be changed. It is under these circumstances that mankind brings danger to himself and his fellowmen. When
the Laws that God put into effect are adhered to, they turn out to be safeguards for man's well-being. He won't admit it,
but by tampering with the Laws of God , he has put himself and his fellowmen in jeopardy. His reason is that it is necessary
for the advancement of life. In most instances, this tampering is the cause of taking his own life and the lives of his fellowmen.
When tampered with, Man can never build enough safe-guards into his changes to insure his own well being, or the well being
of his fellowmen.
This same principle carries over into all areas of life as God meant it to be lived by man. Since man failed to follow
the path that would have taken him to the sustenance of life, he took the wrong path and brought destruction upon himself
and all of his posterity. Had he made the decision to obey, there would have been no need for him to experience death. According
to God's prescription for life, it is the act of disobedience that brought man to judgment of death. Once this circumstance
had worked it self out, in order for God to bring to fruition His purpose for man, He would have to bring about man's resurrection
from the state of death. He would have to provide a way where-by the eternal Spirit could be placed within man, in order to
reinvigorate him with a life of righteousness. You see God's law of life had been tampered with, and a correction was necessary.
The True Life which stemmed from God, was necessary, and not just the natural life that man now possessed, and passed on
from one to another. God, who is Life, when he expresses Himself, begets life. His Word, the very expression of Himself is
living, and He has spoken in untold numbers of ways in order to awaken man to his condition, and then to God's purpose, which
he had now missed the mark in fulfilling. In speaking, He reveals to us everything that is in His mind, and heart, and the
manner in which He is endeavoring to bring about the completion of His purpose. He set apart a people for His Names-sake,
through whom He intended to bring man back to his rightful place as a living member of God's family, in the midst of which
God intended to dwell. He gave this people a set of regulatory standards and principles to live by. Just like the Laws that
safe-guard the creation itself, so these laws were for their well being and protection. They would teach all mankind the need
of redemption and the way God would provide for it. This redemption consisted of the need of deliverance from bondage to the
entanglements of the natural world in which they lived, and deliverance from death, into life in the spiritual realm.
Does not the Father or head of the family, or household, pass on to the offspring, his life? Does he not have the authority
to establish the structure, or set of principles, or establish the precedent, the structure, by which the family should live
and conduct itself? The purpose being to bring honor and glory to the family name that is inherited from the father. In the
process of adoption, and the bestowal of the Gift of Life, God raised up a family to bring Glory to His Name. Does He not
have the right, as well as the authority to set the standard, or prescribe the way of life for them.
Not until Jesus appears and has lived almost to the end of His Life, do we hear and Israelite, speak of a mutually, shared,
purpose of mind; of Son for the Father and Father for Son, that each receive glory from a common life lived out in corporate
oneness. John 17:1b-5, "Father, the hour has come; glorify Thy son, that Thy Son may glorify Thee, even as Thou gavest Him
authority over all mankind, that to all whom Thou hast given Him, He may give eternal life. And this is eternal life, that
they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent. I glorified Thee on the earth, having accomplished
the work that Thou gavest Me to do. And now, glorify Thou Me together with Thyself, Father, with the glory which I ever had
with Thee before the world was."
Is it conceivable to a right thinking, sensible thinking person to rebel against a prescription for life that was only
designed for ones well being, comfort, and protection? Is this not exactly the action that mankind in the main has taken,
and is continuing to take in his every day life? What right thinking person would not obey sanitary laws? Who would not obey
dietary standards that were designed to keep one healthy and strong? Is there need to pursue this thinking any further? All
we have to do is look at ourselves, and the conditions we have created in our society. Pursue this concept into every area
of life and see if it doesn't apply. It is not that there is anything wrong with the prescription for life, but it is we who
are wrong in our make-up. The mind and heart of man doesn't work the way God meant it to work. Any law, any standard, evokes
anger, wrath, hatred, which when allowed to run rampant leads to death, if not to our own, then man devises reasons for taking
the life of his fellow men. We have become so constituted, that by nature we are a rebellious, lawless, race of humanity.
By our own reasoning we don't see ourselves as such, but God, who searches the heart, declares it so.
The record reveals, that His whole purpose and effort put forth over the centuries has been to provide a way of escape.
Through the teaching of the Holy Spirit, God has been endeavoring to lead mankind to a place in their lives where they will
face the truth of life as it really is, confess our need of a Savior, and accept the One that God is offering to the lost
world. I've used the term prescription, or principles, because in any good dictionary or concordance, that is what the Law
is. Law is a set of principles or written prescriptions given as a teaching guide, to lead men down the right path to the
desired fulfillment or achievement in life. This is what Paul teaches in his letter to the Galatians. He states, Gal. 3:24,
"Therefore the Law has become our tutor, (Pedagogue), to lead us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.." ver. 25,
"But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor."
The Law taking the children of Israel, by the hand, so to speak, had led them thought-out the years, until Jesus Christ
came and fulfilled the Law, and all it's requirements. Rom. 10:4, "for Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness to everyone
who believes." The Messiah accomplished for the Jew, as well as for the Gentile, everything that we couldn't do for ourselves.
Mankind, who is under the indictment of sin and death, cannot produce life from the state of death, only God can do that.
That which is impossible for man is possible with God, for to God all things are possible. The basis for Paul writing to Titus
in the manner in which he did, is contained in this concept. Titus 2:11-15, "For the grace of God has appeared bringing salvation
to all men, instructing them to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present
age, looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus; who gave Himself
for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself a people for his own possession, zealous of
good deeds. These things speak and exhort and reprove with all authority. Let no one disregard you." Titus 3:4-7, "But when
the kindness of God our Savior and His Love for mankind appeared, He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done
in righteousness, but according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy spirit,
whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, that being justified by His grace we might be made heirs
according to the hope of eternal life."
It is the task of the tutor, (Pedagogue), to receive into its care the minor child and protect and care for it until the
time has passed, which had been set by the father, specifying its maturity. After maturity, the adoption as full fledged Son
takes place. From this time on the child is to live so as to bring glory to the father's, and the family name.
For a period the people of Israel lived and multiplied under the covenant of promise that God had made with their father
Abraham, and reconfirmed with Isaac, and Jacob. God had protected them during the time of enmity arising between the offspring
of Jacob. He protected and sustained them during the time of famine that came over all the region. God used all of these circumstances
to work for good to them, for He was preparing them according to His fulfillment of deliverance, just as He had told Abraham,
He would.
Many questions are always asked, which come from a heart of little understanding of God's ways. Why would God allow such
dire circumstances upon the region, and yet protect Israel, while in protecting them He would be forced to protect Egypt,
who was holding them in slavery? He had to begin compiling a record, to give witness to all the world, that He was a God who
would have compassion on whom He would have compassion, and that He was a Sovereign God, who would have mercy of whom-ever
He would have mercy. No matter who the person might be. Man by then had lost knowledge of His Sovereign Governmental Authority,
so through His using Israel, this knowledge could be re-established for all people for all time. Repeatedly, the record states
God's intent in His actions. Deut. 4:35, and 39, " To you it was shown that you might know that the Lord, He is God; there
is no other besides Him. Know therefore today, and take it to heart, that the Lord, He is God in heaven above and on the earth
below; there is no other." Throughout the record, we hear Him say in many other places, "Thus they shall know that I Am God."
Man loses sight of the fact that while God was nurturing Israel, He was using Joseph at the same time to show that He could
save anyone, any time from the most dire circumstances, all for His glory and purpose. During the same time He was preparing
the land of promise to be ready for the people who were to occupy it when He carried out Israel's deliverance.
His record confirms this analogy, when we hear Him say, "He is preparing a people for His Name's Sake." It is, and always
will be necessary to reestablish God's name as Sovereign Lord over all of His universe. In order to do this, only He could
perform the task. He has been enlisting all who will voluntarily accept His call, to come out and be separate, and become
a part of His eternal purpose, and enter His rest, and enjoy the benefits of being one of His Chosen, Redeemed.
In order to prepare them, and the world for use, He had to teach them and at the same time leave a record, by which all
could learn, if they only would learn, His Ways, which are much higher then mankind's ways. Thus He performed all His mighty
works of redemption, led them out and gave them the Law to govern their way of life. Along the way, they and all the world
was to learn from God's dealing with them that, the natural man in his own strength and erroneous wisdom, must be ruled out
of God's economy, and only an obedient, cleansed humanity, would be accepted by God into His family.
The Law was made up of three parts: civil, (this regulated their conduct, toward God's Law and their attitude toward one
another), Judicial, (this pronounced the guilt or innocence, and spelled out the penalty for the infraction, under it ,
the blessing or the curse was administered,) Then there was the ceremonial, and sacrificial part, (under it they expressed
their true feeling, their faith in Him and His Word; was their worship from the heart or was it all a show of false piety,)
Every aspect of the Law was for their protection and well being, it would keep them in God's favor or it would show them
up to be the unbelieving, disobedient, people that they showed themselves out to be. Oh, unbelieving Gentile, that covers
the face of this earth, don't stand in judgment over them, we as a mass of people, with God's Great Gift of Life in Jesus
Christ his Son, have done far worse in rejecting Him than Israel ever did. But Satan's hatred for them as God's chosen through
whom the Messiah, the Savior of the world has come and conquered Him and his power over the race of men, is waging war against
Him and them to the bitter end, in order to take as many with him as is possible. Don't be one of them, Reader!
At this point in the record left us by God, we are made aware of the fact that there are now two Covenants in effect. The
Covenant of Promise given to Abraham, which was everlasting, and the Covenant of Law, come in along side of the Covenant of
Promise, to give mankind a knowledge of transgression, or lawlessness. This then became an instrument of death, for it decreed
that, "the soul that sin's it shall die". The Apostle Paul terms it an instrument of condemnation, and a ministry of death.
1 Cor: 3: 5-9, "Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from
God, who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter, but of the Spirit; for the letter kills,
but the Spirit gives life. But if the ministry of death, in letters engraved on stones, came with glory, so the the sons of
Israel could not look intently at the face of Moses because of the glory of his face, fading as it was, how shall the ministry
of the Spirit fail to be even more with glory? For if the ministry of condemnation has glory, much more does the ministry
of righteousness abound in glory." So when the Law has done it's work and relegated all winners to a state of death, in the
death that Jesus the Christ of God, died in their behalf to sin, what power or authority does it now have over anyone that
has been judged to death. On the other hand when Jesus is resurrected from the dead and all believers are brought forth to
New Life in Him what power or authority does the old law of sin and death have over this newly resurrected Lord of Life and
all those who now live eternally in Him? The law of sin and death only applies to the sinful, natural man. The New Law of
righteousness in life, applies to the True Believer, who now lives a life of which Jesus Christ is the source.
God, faithfully kept His part of Both Covenants, their part and our part, which ever part we find ourselves under was and
is,to conduct ones self in the natural realm of living, according to the covenants precepts. But you can't do this if you
are ignorant of the stipulations under the Covenant, either New or Old. God's part, then and now, was to provide the, supernatural
Dynamics, the impetus, the power to carry out their complete deliverance, and establish them in the, (rest) land of their
New Life. He proved to them and to the world, that He was capable then, and He is capable now, and has been ever since the
days of the Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost, and throughout this church age, for countless millions, in every
generation. Some then as well as now, showed themselves to be real in their faith, and others to be counterfeit. Salvation
is believing from the heart, and worshiping in Spirit, and in Truth. He has proved His faithfulness; should it be any less
so with we, who call upon the Name of Jesus, for the Gift of New Life.
What they and all mankind failed to realize, until Jesus came and revealed the True Life of Faith, that there was nothing
in the statutes, commandments, ordinances, by which they themselves or any one else is empowered to keep them. They as well
as all other people misconstrued the intent of the Law, and erroneously tried to work at it through self effort in order to
keep it and therefore please God. It just doesn't work like that. "Through the Law comes the knowledge of Sin".
Not until the Messiah arrives and brings the Truth of Life to mankind, do we see clearly, that only a perfect person can
keep a Holy, Righteous, and Just Law. Jesus as well as Paul and the other Apostles, were accused with,"throwing out the Law".
Their argument was, that the Law could only be kept by a person of perfect Faith. Rom. 3:28-31, "For we maintain that a man
is justified by faith apart from the works of the Law. Or is God the God of the Jews only ? Is He not the God of the Gentiles
also? Yes, of the Gentiles also, if indeed God is one and He will justify the circumcised by faith and the un-circumcised
through faith. Do we then nullify the Law through faith? May it never be, on the contrary, we establish the Law,(through)
faith." By faith, mankind must accept the Law, to be just what it was meant to be. Rom. 3:20b, and 5:20, and Gal.3:19.
The Lord Jesus Christ gave understanding to everything that mankind had failed to understand. Everything God had in store
for His chosen, His elect, His people, was contained within the promises He had given to Abraham. Jesus and the Apostles revealed
that a promise and all its provisions, which are freely given, are to be freely received. Five hundred years after the promise
was given and in force, the Law was given to Moses to give to the people, Israel. The Law, Jesus revealed is a contract, under
which equal payment was required, for equal value received. If something was required of a person, then something of equal
value must be given to compensate and complete the transaction. If their expectation of God, under the Law, was based on a
certain standard, then they should be ready and willing to meet the standard in His behalf. Matt. 7:7-12, "Ask and it shall
be given to you, seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you. For every one who asks receives, and he who
seeks finds; and to him who knocks it shall be opened. Or what man is their among you, when his son shall ask him for a loaf,
will give him a stone? Or if he shall ask for a fish, he will not give him a snake, will he? If you then, being evil, know
how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your father who is in heaven give what is good,(Luke 11:13b,
writes; "How much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him,") ! " Therefore whatever you
want others to do for you, do so for them; For this is the Law and the Prophets."
Since the Law was a contract between two parties, the fulfillment of the contract applied to both parties. This is where
the problem arose. Mankind is incapable of keeping his part of the stipulations under the contract. What he required of God,
he wasn't able to return in equal worth. What he expected of his fellowmen, he wasn't able to live up to himself. On the other
hand, every thing God asked of them, God was able to supply, and did, in abundance. When he asked man to love Him, God loved
first, and gave His Love freely through His Son Jesus Christ. When He asked men to love their fellowmen, He revealed the love
of God as a man, in be-half of His fellowmen, in the person of Jesus Christ. He revealed His willingness to give His life
for mankind, who at the time was His enemy. He gave Himself.
The Apostles received this enlightenment and taught it in orderly fashion, so that we could get a grasp of the whole Truth.
Faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ, was the only way to avail ourselves of the properties necessary for us to keep
any part of God's requirements. Everything that God required of mankind, God freely bestowed upon him in Jesus Christ, so
that we in return would have something to offer back in return. This is God keeping His covenant promise and at the same time
fulfilling His own requirements of a Holy Life from a Holy person. A new Law was given, a greater Law that superseded, or
abrogated the Law given through Moses to Israel. This New Law is termed,"The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus," that
sets mankind free from the Law of sin and death. Rom. 8:1-2, "There is therefore now no more condemnation for those who are
in Christ Jesus. For the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the Law of sin and death."
While in the state of immaturity, as minor children, and because their sinful nature was so in control, the Law was given
at Mt. Sinai. It was and instrument to teach them their need of a Savior. The establishment of the prescription, and subsequently
the manner in which they lived according to it's precepts, was only achieved by faith in their God, and His ability to keep
His promise. The provision necessary to keep the requirements of Law, God reserved for Himself, to Keep and to fulfill in
their behalf. This all sufficient, loving, caring God in their midst is what made them out-standing among all other people.
This is the embodiment of the message of the Gospel, for all who will believe and receive. It is Christ's presence with and
in the believer, that sets him/her apart from all other people. Exodus 11:7, "But against any of the sons of Israel a dog
shall not even bark, whether against man or beast , that you understand how , (the Lord makes a distinction between Egypt
and Israel.") Also read Exodus, 29:45, and 33:13-17, Plus, Deut. 4:1-2, and Ver. 6-8.
They were to accept, from past involvement with their God, as well as His presence in their midst, that His nurturing protection,
was delivering them to a life of freedom and plenty, providing them food and water in the wilderness. Providing shade, in
the day-time and a light to guide them at night, was because He loved them and cared for them, and wanted them to experience,
Him, as their all sufficient God. All He asked of them was their faith in His Word, according to the promise He had made to
their father Abraham, and for the sake of honor and glory to His Name.
The people occupying the Land where God was taking them, were living according to practices prescribed by false God's,
the work of their own hands. They evidently had not followed the priestly guidance of the Priest and King, Melchizedek, who
was ruling over Jerusalem, (Salem) at the time of Abraham. Their god's, dictated a life of debauchery, and uncleanness. They
had no concern for others or for the status of their women and children. They practiced human sacrifice, as well as lewd practices
of every kind. There was no understanding that the people that God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, intended to occupy
this land and carry His Name, were to be a people of high morals and integrity. They were to honor God and to honor their
women and children. They as a people were to be a glory to Him. The women were to be the glory of the men, and the children
were to be the pride and joy of their lives and their most prized possession.
The whole direction for the lives of the people Israel, was that they would be a people free of civil strife, for so their
civil code was designed. They were to be a strong healthy, vigorous people, for so their dietary law was structured. They
would be a people free of sickness and disease if they walked by faith according to the precepts of this sanitary law. God
would protect them. Sanitation was a very important part of their lives, they must be kept clean from all defilement. Everything
impure was to be kept out of their lives. The judicial part spelled out the judgment for every infraction of the Law. Deut.
27:26, "cursed is he who does not confirm the words of this law by doing them. And all the people shall say, Amen."
The Supernatural Dynamic, dwelling in their midst was none other than the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the one and
only true God, creator of heaven and earth. The God of miracles performed in behalf of those who would accept His Love for
them and there-by gain the ability to Love Him in return. 1John 4:16b, and 19, "God is Love, and the one who abides in Love,
abides in Him. We Love because He first Loved us."
The ceremonial and sacrificial parts of the Law were to remind them, that they were what they were, because God had made
them such. They had what they had because God had made it possible for them to prosper. In the reminder of their relationship
to God under the different offerings and feasts, all were designed to never let their hearts and minds stray far from the
fact that they were His people and He was their God. The manner of life prescribed for them, is what set them apart from all
other people. In the reminder there was a deeper and more graphic analogy being told forth. Here is where the saying arose,
"what does the Scripture foresee, or foretell". First they bore the same nature as Adam, the first man, and then they were
what they were because their God had made it possible for them to prosper as a free people, living in their own land. His
presence and the manner of life He had prescribed for them, is what set them apart from all other people. Each part spoke
to them about what their need was, what was the provision for the need, and where it came from, and from whom.
The Priest stood between them and their God, and through the many offerings and sacrifices, kept them in communion with
Him, and He with them. All of these spelled out their separation from God, because of one transgression or another. All were
shown that only through a life sacrificed in their behalf, could they be restored to cleanness and communion with God. A covering
of blood was necessary from day to day, week to week, month to month, and year to year. Every time an animal was slain, it
was a reminder that only by the shedding of blood, a life was being sacrificed, offered as a substitute for their life. The
life was sacrificed and the blood provided a covering upon the mercy seat, (propitiatory ), which blotted out their sin from
the ever watchful eyes of Jehovah. They feasted on the flesh of the sacrifice, which was the source of their strength, to
sustain them in life. A Life was offered, the debt was paid, and they gained new strength to live to the glory of there God.
This is the Gospel preached before hand to Israel, and through Israel to the world.
At this juncture mis-understanding arose. They mis-construed the meaning of the Word to them. Their purpose and identity
became a point of pride and separation to them for all the wrong reasons. What was designed to be a prescription for living
a life designed for their health and well being, became, in the words of the Prophet, "a snare, a trap, and a stumbling block,"
to them.
It was all turned into an ill-conceived idea that they were working out a form of righteousness of their own by adhering
very stringently to the forms and rituals of the Law. They did not understand that their God was holy, righteous, just and
good. It was He that was making it possible for them to have and enjoy a life of freedom, peace, and plenty , and rest from
all their years of slavery. Somewhere, somehow they got the idea that they were doing something in the form of good works
for God, because that is what He was demanding of them;Wasn't it? Therefore, in this distorted frame of mind they lost sight
of the fact, that later on the Apostle Paul learned so well. He exclaimed, "I am what I am by the grace of God." They were
what they were, by the grace of God. We must be careful not to malign them for their error. It seems, neither Jew or Gentile
have ever gotten away from this distorted way of thinking, and have kept themselves and their fellowmen under bondage to forms,
ceremonies, rituals, and traditions of others. None of this has ever set mankind free, and provided him with the motivation
to be able to throw off the old entanglements, along with the old nature, and put on an entirely new one. Only a New Life,
received from God, as a gift in Jesus Christ, through the resurrection from the dead, makes this become possible.
Everything that the believing Jew and the believing Gentile have is by the grace of God, and entrance into this realm of
grace is only made possible through Jesus Christ. Rom. 5:1-2, "Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with
God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our access, (introduction) into this grace in which
we stand." Everything both believing people have, is based on the image of His Son, that He foresaw in each believer, when
his or her maturing process was completed. This is the Gospel, of Redemption, Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification,
proclaimed before-hand through the Law and the Prophets, and confirmed unto us in all reality, in the Person of Jesus Christ.
Through the wrongful concept that developed, the True Word of deliverance was with-held from their offspring and the nations
around them. They were cautioned, "When you come into the land and prosper, don't let your possessions, possess you; but rather
possess your possessions." In other words don't let them become god's to you, and there-by come between you and your God.
If anyone is inclined to do any boasting, don't let it be because of all you have or because of your elite, "supposed elite",
position as children of the living God. But rather, "Let your boasting be that you know Him, "Behold Oh Israel, the Lord our
God is One." Let your boasting be that you know Him and that He knows you as His own redeemed children. It has never been
any different in the realm of grace from God's standpoint, but the church, like Israel, has lost sight of the living God,
Who abides in their midst.
Say it isn't so of them in doing just the opposite to the instruction of their God. Say it isn't so of the professing church
throughout it's history. Say it isn't so, in our time more grievous, than at any time in theirs. Look at all the lavish Cathedrals
built over the centuries, with the sweat and blood of the poor people, just so the hierarchy could put on a show of piety
and good works for God. Look at the business empires being built under the guise of propagating the Gospel. Look at the great
Temples and Cathedrals being built today under the guise of building a house for God. Each one of them is only dispensing
a sweet, syrupy solution, that doesn't do any good, but gives those in attendance, a lot of gas. The airwaves are filled
with spurious messages designed to solicit your hard earned dollars. However, not all fall under the indictment. You need
to be more discriminating today than ever before. For as then, so it is today. There are many anti-Christ's gone out from
the true faith, dissecting and fragmenting the true body of Christ, the Church, and leading the people astray by the millions.
One of the deceptions perpetrated upon man is the superstitious approach taken in many instances when endeavoring to find
God's will. The idea that anyone can just open the Bible and point, all on the basis of chance, that they can take that portion
of Scripture and apply it to themselves as a word of prophesy, is preposterous.Talk about playing Russian Roulette with your
eternal Life. In many instances, scripture that pertains only to the Messiah, the promised one of God is misappropriated,
taken to be a work that they envision themselves, to be called to do. This only leads to cults and sect that are the deceptive
tool of the angel of death and deception. The sad part of all of this is that there have always been thousands of these groups.
Some are large in number led by false teachers, and the people are gullible enough to be led along as though they were charmed.
They are too careless to put out the effort to find out for themselves, whether or not they are being told the truth. Never
does this approach unify people in one body, of the same mind, of the same Spirit, around the same head, the Lord Jesus Christ.
The name of a man, other than Jesus Christ is recognized first. An organization, and one cause or another that is humanitarian
and social in importance, is recognized before the importance God places upon the need of the Soul's redemption.
The apostle's call the messages coming forth from these groups a spurious and a counterfeit gospel. It sounds good in every
way but leaves Jesus Christ, the true Savior, in a secondary place. It seems that whatever becomes popular with the greatest
number of people at the moment, is what the false leaders will take upon themselves to promote, rather than chance the unpopularity
that comes from adhering to the truth. Whenever this happens, look carefully and you can soon detect the reason behind it,
is for political or monetary reasons, and not for the reason of presenting God's message of redemption. Here is what makes
it a counterfeit message. Salvation is not just improving upon and satisfying the desires of the natural man. Salvation is
bringing into being a New Person, created in Christ Jesus. This is accomplished only by an act of God, through His Spirit,
and is received as your New Spirit of Life. 1John 3:16-4:4, "We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and
we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoever has the world's goods and beholds his brother in need and closes
his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him? Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but
in deed and truth. We all know by this that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him, in whatever our heart
condemns us; for God is greater than our heart, and knows all things. Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence
before God; and whatever we ask we receive from Him , because we keep His commandments and do the things that are pleasing
in His sight. And this is His commandment, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, just
as He commanded us. And the one who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. And we know by this that He abides
in us, by the Spirit which He has given us. Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they
are from God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God; every spirit that
confesses that Jesus has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; and
this is the spirit of the anti-Christ, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now is already in the world. You are
from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world."
The counterfeit way is based upon an external set of principles, such as the Law of Moses, or the appropriating of some
portion of work assigned to the Messiah, and taking them as a work to be performed by the adherents to the spurious teaching.
Let us refer to one of the latest to rear it's ugly head. This is the idea that man can take to himself the work of restoring,
the breach in the wall, that has plagued mankind since the beginning of time. This includes Israel, which has been separated
from God and one another, since the division that arose at the time Joseph was sold into bondage by his brothers. This includes
the breach that has existed between races, and has been rearing it's ugly head in the divisions taking place in our country
since the civil war day's. All of which is the result of the sinful nature, under which control, man has been since the time
of Adam. Even though our nation has been structured under, documents, which guaranty equal rights. Don't we live in a country,
which we all pledge allegiance to as, "One nation under God, with liberty and justice for all." When the work of the Savior
is received sincerely and not hypocritically, the old wall is broken down. Peace is then established between the estranged
parties, and a New Protecting Wall is put in it's place. With this in mind, the Apostle Paul writes, Rom.. 12:16b-21, "Do
not be wise in your own estimation. Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men.
If possible, so far as it depends upon you, be at peace with all men. Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room
for the wrath, for it is written, " Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, say's the Lord." But if your enemy is hungry feed him,
and if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head. Do not be overcome by evil,
but overcome evil with good."
The idea or thought in the scriptures of the breach in the wall, is always in relationship to the City Jerusalem. The protecting
wall, that protected the people housed within and identified them with their God, who dwelt in their midst. When God caused
the wall to be " breached", allowing the enemy to come, He and the people were caused to leave. The promise is that the, "Messiah"
would some day return and repair the breach. The breach is the false teaching, the unbelief, the lawlessness of the race of
mankind that was allowed to come in and create the dissension between God and man and man and God. However, God was in Christ,
reconciling the world to Himself. Therefore all mankind, if they will accept His reconciling them to Himself, can know the
peace that passes all understanding.
The potential for, Restoring or Rebuilding, of the, Breach, has been provided for and has been offered to man for almost
two-thousand years. It has been realized by a few in each generation, called the remnant, that God has always reserved for
Himself. But there are those who always refused God's way in Christ. Self styled world rulers, and spurious religious leaders,
have always by means of great numbers, and force, tried to do this for God, even at the time some of them claim to being believers.
These are the ones who have always distorted the Gospel truth, thinking they are assisting Him in ushering in the kingdom.
What this is, is simply avoiding the, reproach of the cross, and devising schemes that sounds good to them and to the ears
of their listeners. SAY IT ISN'T SO!
The same attitude and approach that Israel took is the same careless attitude and approach that the Gentile has taken since
the privilege of handling the message of redemption was placed in their care. Read and study Paul's analogy of this portion
of the mystery of the Gentile being grafted into the cultivated olive tree. Romans, Chapter 11: and 12. Take special note
of the warning against misconduct, or attitude, and toward the wrong approach, in the new position of being brought near to
God, through the Gospel. Just as Israel had the privilege taken away temporarily, so the Gentile is under God's scrutiny,
and are about to lose their privilege of dispensing the Good News to the world. The possibility of the potential for full
and complete reconciliation and renewal has been their's for almost two-thousand years, yet mankind is in greater conflict
with himself and his fellowman than at any time in history. Man in his blindness is still convinced that he can bring reconciliation
about by his own efforts. All the talk of summits, and peace conferences, and peace agreements only reveal just how blind
and depraved of the truth mankind really is.
The actuality of the fulfillment of restoration of all things, for Israel, as well as the rest of the world, is according
to all indication,"Right at the door." Mankind is so caught up in his own accomplishments, singing his own praises, and extolling
his own virtues, as never before in history. The result is each situation he finds himself confronted with is worse then the
previous one, and yet he is blind to just how close he is to his own downfall. Has not every nation and people who endeavored
to rule the world by their own devices, met their own downfall in like manner? Repeatedly we are reminded that it is God,
the Sovereign Lord and Creator, who raises up nations and puts them down according to their acceptance or rejection of Him
and His way's. Are we so blind and foolish, to think that we are an exception? It seems mankind is too blind Spiritually and
too stiff-necked philosophically, to acknowledge the error of his ways.
The administration we Americans now have in place is probably the worst in this state of blindness than any we have had
up until now. And the advisers, both spiritual and political are at the top of the heap. The visible physical church in the
world is no less so. There are greater numbers in attendance, greater rallies being organized and conducted, greater and more
lavish buildings, more zeal for God, but not in accordance with true knowledge. There is more money being collected and spent
all in the name of God, but the ill's of our society, with the numbers of murders, cereal killers on the loose, School massacres,
sexual perversion, family problems, conditions which are the most heinous of any nation at any time in history and yet we,
the American people are supporting the effort to present ourselves to the world as the standard for all other people to emulate
and follow. How blind and stupid can we get?
There is a great show of religion, posing as godliness, but the conditions that prevail, prove, that we as a society are
fulfilling the predictions for the last days. "A great show of godliness, but a complete denial of the power thereof". The
warning of Jesus , that the conditions that would prevail in the last days, would parallel the conditions in the time of Noah,
and the flood. "Mankind is, all involved in his own drive for living the good life. He was then and is now, so taken up with
fulfilling his own desires, that there was no time given to God, the true God. His attention is given to one who is a figment
of man's imagination. He, the True God, was completely left out. Pleasure, and satisfying the appetites of the natural man
was the god that was worshipped. Say it isn't the same today!
The Spirit of God consciousness, has really been missing in our society, since the Dark Ages, except in a few small instances,
when God brought about a Spiritual awakening. Probably the next will be with much suffering and upheaval, the very thing that
man claims, he is trying to avoid.
Jesus, the head of the church, His Body, and the Life there-of, is depicted in the message of the Revelator, as standing
at the door of the church, knocking to gain entrance, for He has been excluded as the authority, and has been replaced by
man's authority. He warns; "the conditions in the church are due to the body having left it's first love", and replaced it
with selfish, self-centered, man adoration. Bowing down and kissing the hands and feet of, Sin-full, mortal man, as though
he were God. The society of today, needs to be awakened to the fact, that it was not we, who first Loved, but it was He, who
first loved us.
Ever since the dark ages, He, has not really been recognized as the rightful Head of the church, in living reality. Soon
after the awakening of the Reformation, the church was taken over by the authority of man, and in the vernacular of our day,
"It has been all show, and no go."
The Words of Jesus to the church are, Rev. 3:14--22, "And to the church ---write, 'The Amen, the faithful and true Witness,
the Beginning of the Creation of God, says this; I know your deeds, that they are neither cold or hot; I would that they were
cold or hot. so because you are lukewarm, and neither hot or cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. Because you say, I am
rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing, and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor
and blind and naked. I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire, that you may become rich, and white garments, that
you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed, and eye salve to anoint your eyes, that
you may see, Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; be zealous therefore and repent. Behold I stand at the door and
knock; if any one hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into him, and will dine with him, and he with Me. He who
overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.
He who has ears to hear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."
All the Law and the prophets were until John, Jesus arrived, and grace and truth came through Him the Promised One. All
believing Jews were in anticipation of Him, The promised One. A change began to take place, things began to happen. Johns
message of Repentance, (a turning to God, with a change of heart and mind toward Him,) began to cause concern, and the rulers
began to become alarmed. John was soon thrown in prison for his audacity toward them. With all the assurance, yet because
of the things that were happening, in order to gain more understanding it seems, John sent some of his followers to inquire,
"Are you really the One; or are we to wait for another?" Jesus sent Word back, enumerating all the wonders that any believing
person should be observing. They were the wonders that their own Scriptures had, "Foretold," would take place when the Promised
One arrived. This evidently satisfied them. They then understood that He was fulfilling just exactly what He was supposed
to do, in order to restore all things to their rightful state, and that reconciliation might be restored, and the Law's demands
be met. The demands of the Law; DEATH TO ALL THE RACE OF HUMANITY, and the power of the Law of sin and death had to be broken.
That could only be done by a perfect Law keeper, upon whom the claims of the Law had no authority. Jesus, fulfilled it all
perfectly and as mankind's substitute, and representative, became the True Heir of All, that God had to bequeath to mankind.
Under the New Covenant of Grace, He now shares jointly with everyone who will accept His bequeath.
The writer of the book of Hebrews, being Spirit of God led, and illuminated, recognized, that the time for the fulfillment
of Jeremiahs prophesy had come, very wisely expounds the greatness of the New Covenant in Jesus Blood, in contrast to the
Old Covenant in animal blood sacrifice. Heb. 8:6-13, "But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, by as much as He
is the mediator of a better covenant which has been enacted on better promises. For if that first covenant had been, faultless,
there would have been no occasion sought for the second. For finding fault with them, He says, ' Behold, days are coming ,
says the Lord, when I will effect a New Covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah; Not like the covenant
which I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; For they did
not continue in My covenant, and I did not care for them says the Lord, for this is the Covenant that I will make with the
house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My Laws into their minds, and I will write them upon their hearts,
and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. And they shall not teach every one his fellow citizen, and everyone
his brother saying know the Lord, for all shall know Me, from the least to the greatest of them. For I will be merciful to
their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.' When He said, 'A New Covenant,' He has made the first, OBSOLETE.
But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear."
Never, has there ever been a covenant made with the race of men descended from Adam. Only those who were believers at
the time, and were of God's choosing, Adam and Eve in the garden, after being shown the error of their ways, received a promise.
Noah after fulfilling God's purpose in preserving the race of man. Abraham, upon being obedient to the direction of God, and
upon receiving the Word by faith, Heb. 11:8, "By faith, Abraham, when he was called , obeyed by going out to a place which
he was to receive as an inheritance;" when he arrived in the land, God enlarged upon the covenant to include, all the blessings
in life that would make him and his, Seed,(Christ) the channel through which all other believing people would receive God's
blessing as well. This covenant was extended to include, Isaac, and Jacob. This covenant has been in force ever since. Abraham's
descendants and the rest of the race of men, didn't walk under this covenant by faith as Abraham had, but continued in their
divisive ways, as Jacob, and his family have been shown to be. In order to continue on with them as the channel, by which
God's Son would be ushered into the world, God made another covenant with, this divided family, Israel and Judah. This covenant
was different however, this was a covenant of Law, this was a covenant by which they were to learn how great their need was,
and how great God's love for their fathers, the Patriarchs, had been. This was a covenant of death and condemnation. It was
inadequate, because they were inadequate. 2Cor. 3:5-9. "Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming
from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, who made us adequate as servants of a New Covenant, not of the letter, but of
the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. But if the ministry of death, engraved on stones, came with glory,
so that the sons of Israel could not look intently at the face of Moses because of the glory of his face, fading as it was,
how shall the ministry of the Spirit fail to be even more with glory? For if the, (ministry of condemnation,) has glory, much
more does the ministry of righteousness abound in glory." This covenant of Law was in force, from Moses to Christ. But by
the time of Jeremiah, the prophet, their disobedience had become so grievous, God told them through the prophet, that He would
let the Law do it's work of condemnation, but at the same time He would institute a New Covenant, with the house of Israel,
(singular now because He would unite them once again into one family ).The writer of the book of Hebrews, declares, the time
had now come, the reconciliation had been accomplished. All who were gathered with Jesus, the Messiah, the inaugurator of
the New Covenant, were only of the descendants of Abraham, and were of the same quality of faith as their father Abraham.
But because of the rejection of their Messiah, by the body of the nation Israel as whole, God's Mercy was extended to include
the Gentile, just as He had covenanted with Abraham. All the benefits of the covenant, that the Jew rejected was poured out
on the Gentile Believers as well.
However, God is not to be thwarted in any part of not fulfilling His covenant in it's entirety, and so Messiah, Jesus the
Christ is to return in the clouds with power and great glory, and conclude the time of Jacob's trouble, that their enemy,
the spirit of evil, who has blinded their eyes, has caused them to under-go. A nation will be born, a believing nation, ruled
by the One, They and the World rejected the first time He was here.
The Apostle Paul is very candid with his readers in the way he never hesitates to let us know how he saw himself, prior
to his confrontation with the Only Righteous One, Who came to live on this earth. His, Paul's righteousness became to him,
what it was, Self Righteousness. Very shortly he began to reveal how when confronted with the Holy, righteous, just, and good
Law of God, the Law performed it's perfect work. His sinfulness reared it's ugly head and became very much alive and He Died
to the Law of sin. His own sinfulness condemned him under the Law, and put him to death. Under the Law he surrender to the
death that Jesus had died in his behalf. And in the resurrection power of Jesus, Jesus became his life, from that time on.
Some words of confirmation from the pen of Paul to substantiate this. Gal. 2:19-21. and Gal. 5:24, and 6:14-16.
If any one of us ever think we have arrived, all we have to do is stand up along side of this person Jesus, and see how
far we miss the mark. Hear the Prophet Isaiah, 51:1-2, "Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness, who seek the Lord; Look
to the rock from which you were hewn , and to the pit, or quarry, from which you were dug", (Let your thoughts go back to
the garden, when God formed a body out of the dust of the earth and breathed into it the breath of life). "Look to Abraham
your father, ( the father of all who walk by faith), (the quality of faith, of Abraham) and to Sarah who gave birth to you
in pain; When he was one I called him, then I blessed him and multiplied him." If this doesn't give you food for thought about
yourself, and your own accomplishments, then nothing will.
When the Lord Jesus Christ, takes up residence in the believer, as his very life, what does the Law have to do with regulating
the manner in which He directs His life to be lived in you? Does Jesus require regulating in His resurrected life any more
than He did when He was here before He died? If not why not? Why does the believer, walking by the Spirit of the resurrected
Lord of Life, the one who is the source of Life, need regulating, by an external Law, when they have the Law of the Spirit
of Life, abiding within? He is the One Who inscribes the New Law on the tablets of the heart of the True, Spirit filled, Spirit
Led, heart of the believer, the very heart of God in Christ Jesus. There is no need! They just need to learn; they need to
be taught the truth of the Gospel.
The need is to be taught the truth of the Gospel of grace, and the proper approach to understanding the usage of the Law.
1Tim. 1: 5-11, "But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. For some
men, straying from these things, have turned aside to fruitless discussions, wanting to be teachers of the Law, even though
they do not understand either what they are saying or the matters about which they make confident assertions. But we know
that the Law is good, if one uses it lawfully, realizing the fact that the Law is not made for a righteous man, but for those
who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who kill their fathers
and mothers, for murderers, and immoral men and homosexuals and kidnappers and liars and perjurers, and whatever else is contrary
to sound teaching, according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, with which I have been entrusted."
The need of the body of believers today is to learn Jesus Christ, and to come to know the fullness of the One in whom they
say they put there trust. I repeat, the need is for the believer to learn to walk by the, New Law of the Spirit of Life in
Christ Jesus, and to keep from being led off from the truth of the Gospel of grace.
In summation of the scriptural teaching under the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, the Apostle Paul in his letter to the
Galatians, (these believers who were being plagued by the teachers of the Law), proclaims the Gospel of Grace through Faith
in a most formidable manner. Gal. 3:3, and 4-14, "Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected
by the flesh?--Does He then who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law,
or by hearing with faith? Even so Abraham believed God, and it was Reckoned to him as righteousness. Therefore,be sure that
it is those who are of faith that are sons of Abraham. And the Scripture, foreseeing, that God would justify the Gentiles
by faith, preached the Gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, ' All the Nations, (Ethnos, Ethnic people) shall be blessed in
you.' So then those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham, the believer. For as many as are of the works of the Law are
under a curse, for it is written, Deut. 27:26, 'Cursed is everyone who doesn't abide by all things written in the book of
the Law, to do them. Now that no one is justified by the Law before God is evident; for, The Righteous Man shall Live by Faith.'
However, the Law is not of faith; on the contrary, 'He who practices them shall live by them.'' Christ redeemed us from the
curse of the Law, having become a curse for us--for it is written, 'Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree--in order that
in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentile, so that we might receive, the promise of the Spirit through
Could anything be stated more plainly then this? The answer is yes. For the one who hasn't really been enlightened to the
truth of Life in Jesus Christ, this is confusing. And the proof is all around us, for professing believers are still imposing
the Law, "Quote" 'The ten Commandments', on themselves and endeavoring to do the same upon the populace of the nation. Observe
the movement to display them in the courtrooms, and in the classrooms, as though by imposing them externally, that is going
to deter anyone, from doing what they want. Don't people break our Nations Law's all the time and hasn't mankind broken every
one of God's Law's continually throughout the centuries? Only when the New Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, has
set you free from the Law of sin and death, will people be willing to accept direction. But then the direction they accept
will come from the Power of the God of Life, who dwells with-in, and is deferred to every step of the way in their daily lives.
Once having been set free from the curse of sin and death, what in the world will motivate anyone to want to go back under
the Curse of the Law once again? Only a heart and mind that is still in darkness Spiritually, morally, ethically, religiously,
and philosophically!
In our assembly's we sing a hymn, "Leaning on the everlasting arms. Search yourself, the next time you sing, and make the
determination, are You standing before Him, in your own strength, and accomplishments, or are you truly leaning on His everlasting
arms ?
The Law is and instrument of condemnation and death. The Word of the cross is, "in that One died for all then all are dead,
in Him". The grave, the tomb, is the door, the entrance-way, the Womb, where-by the believer is raised to Newness of Life
in Him, as He came forth, bringing into reality, "That which was dead is now alive-forever more."
This Life is the Life of God, and is of eternal quality, and contains it's own inner regulatory dynamic, which the believer
can by faith now utilize, in living a life to the glory of God. "Christ in you", the believer, which is the "Hope of Glory."
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