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Who Needs It? & What Constitutes Salvation?
There has only been one person, (man) born into this world who was not in need of Salvation. He came into this World from
out side of it, (This Man was from Heaven) in order that He might provide Salvation for all the rest of the race of Adam,
who were in need of it. This Person was the,Virgin Born Son of God, and through death in behalf of the rest of us. He removed
our Condemnation and Guilt,and Bondage, to the drive to disobedience and opposition to the manner in which God meant for the
descendants of Adam to live the life that He had given and bestowed upon them.
As a result of the condition brought about by the one disobedient act of Adam, the first man, the head of the human race,
(this condition being death, both physically and spiritually).The effort put forth by the One True God, throughout the ages,
brought all mankind face to face with the Necessity of, The Gift of New Life, Eternal Life.This Life could only come as a
gift from God to all who believe in His Name, Jesus The Christ,(Messiah), of God, and there-by be reconciled unto God, which
could be accomplished in our behalf, in no other way, or through no other Name.
The Life Giving Savior, that was manifest to the world as, The Virgin Born Son of the Most High God, is the fulfillment
of the prophetic Word given to Israel and to the rest of the world through them in the Biblical Writings. The Living Word
of God had come to the Prophet Isaiah as recorded in the Writings of Isaiah, chap. 7:10-11&14-17,Then the Lord spoke again
to Ahaz,saying,Ask a sign for yourself from the Lord your God, make it deep as Sheol and high as heaven--But Ahaz said, I
will not test the Lord. Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold a Virgin will be with child and bear a Son,
and she will call His name Immanuel, He will eat curds and honey at the time he knows enough to refuse evil and choose good.
For before the boy will know enough to refuse evil and choose good, the land whose two kings you dread will be forsaken. The
Lord will bring on you, on your people, and on your fathers house such days as have never come since the day that Ephraim
separated from Judah--the king of Assyria. Isaiah 8:9-10,&13-18, Be ye broken, O people, and be shattered; And give ear all
remote places of the earth. Gird yourselves, yet be shattered; Gird yourselves, yet be shattered. Devise a plan but it will
be thwarted; State a proposal, but it will not stand, For God is with us.--12-18, You are not to say,It is a conspiracy! in
regard to all that this people call a conspiracy, and you shall not fear what they fear or be be in dread of it. It is the
Lord of hosts whom you should regard as holy. And He shall be your fear, and He shall your dread. Then He shall become a sanctuary;
But to both the houses of Israel, a stone to strike a and a rock to stumble over, and a snare and a trap for the inhabitants
of Jerusalem. And many will stumble over them. Then will they fall and be broken; They will even be snared and caught. Bind
up the testimony, seal the law,(Teaching), among my disciples. And I will wait for the Lord who is hiding His face from the
house of Jacob; I will even look eagerly for Him. (for His Resurrection, Ascension & and the gift of His Spirit & His Coming
again). Behold I and the children whom the Lord has given me,(Disciples & Apostles, and all the succeeding believers), are
for signs and wonders in Israel from the Lord of host, who dwells on Mount Zion. Isaiah 9:6-7,For a child will be born to
us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His Name will be called,WONDERFUL COUNSELOR,
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish it.
The Work that Jesus performed, in our behalf, through His Death, Burial, and Resurrection, and the Gift of Gods Holy Spirit
to bestow Life to all who would believe Gods Word, concerning all that this work constituted, is termed, Salvation.
The Terms used to describe the all inclusiveness of the finished work are many. They are Redemption, Justification, Reconciliation,Sanctification,
Glorification, Regeneration, Forgiveness, and Remittance of Sins, and Propitiation.
As He expressed it,The Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost. He said that, The Son of Man came to give
His Life a ransom for many.
Mankind was made aware of his need and the term Save, Saved, Salvation came into his vocabulary, and is found in all of
the earliest writings, and is related to his innate need for reestablishing a relationship with who he then imagined to be
God. All peoples, (discovery shows), conducting even the most primitive forms of worship were always centered around an altar
upon which a Blood Sacrifice, a Living Animal, and even in some cultures, human sacrifices were offered. In their sin-darkened
state these offerings were supposed to bring about the appeasement of some god, which they deemed necessary, to bring them
into favor with their concept of their God.
To understand how mankind gained the knowledge that some-way his action had caused him to forfeit all claims to a living relationship
with God, and that as a consequent of the action that had led to this estrangement, he owed his life in payment, is difficult
for the natural mind of man to comprehend. But that a knowledge had come to mankind, that God had presented him with a way
where-by, He God, would accept an animals life as substitute, and was a for shadowing for an offering that He God, Himself
would make sometime in the years to come, which He, God would accept as an expression of the offers Faith in the Word of God.
The News or prophesy pertaining to this offering has been heralded by the Prophets and Apostles, and untold number of True
believers for the past Two Centuries. That He would do so without a thought that He, God, would fail,is proven in the fact
that all peoples have this act as a center of their worship, no matter how badly they have corrupted the main reason for it,
or the true meaning of it.
Understanding this innate need in mankind to worship, but seeing the consequence of his actions, can lead us to no other
conclusion than that which God has given us through the pen of the Apostle Paul,Peter, John, all who recounted the Words and
Teachings of God in Jesus the Christ.
The fact that man had at one time a knowledge of and a very real consciousness of God, but failing to recognize Him as
the Righteous, All knowing, Ever Present, All Powerful Being that He always has been, man held God up to Scrutiny, and passed
judgment on Him, evaluating, what he knew about God, and comparing Him to what he wanted his god to be. The result was that,
God, the True God, didnt meet mans idea or thought, or imagination of what he thought God should be, and so he, man, made
a trade. He exchanged, the revealed concept of the true God for a likeness, a caricature, an image, fashioned by the work
of his own hands, into myriads of Idols, representing God.
In our present day society mankind is worshiping the work of his own hands in untold numbers of way,s such as pleasure,
sports, carriers, his own prowess in untold number of ways, all as the Prophet has expressed, devising other plans and counterfeit
ways other than through the New Birth, where the old fleshly man is crucified with Christ, and a New Creation in Christ comes
to take the place of the old. But just as God declared, these ways dont stand, they dont solve the real dilemma,which is the
Warp, the Bent, the Twist, which makes mankind less than he was meant to be. Only a New Creation in the Lord Jesus Christ
can do that.
All of the man devised, imaginary ways of approaching God are noting but counterfeits, false ways of the deception of the
spirit of evil that has been in the world since the beginning of history, always directing mans thoughts and actions through
diversionary tactics, away from the One True god, and His So great Salvation, given in His son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
The first and oldest form of worship uncovered was the worship of god in the likeness of man, and from then on his concept
deteriorated downward and idols of every imaginable kind have been uncovered in the different centers of worship discovered
throughout the world. (And in our day these idols are the before mentioned idols, the work of mans hands.) And since mankind
refused to retain the true knowledge of the True God in His thinking, he lost the God consciousness he originally had and
there-fore gave the worship of the True God up, and turned to all these other gods to satisfy the need he had and felt in
his inner most consciousness. Having given God up, he in turn was given up by God to the total depravity of his being, something
that mankind refuses to accept and acknowledge. Mankind self acquired wisdom and knowledge has always taken precedent over
the revealed Wisdom and Knowledge which has been given by God.
In Paraphrasing this thought we could say it like this. Mankind gave God up for imaginary gods that he substituted in place
of God, and in turn ,God gave mankind up to the control of a mind, that didnt work the way the mind of man was meant to work,
and his mind working the way it does, has therefore led him down the pathway of his existence, away form the True God, rather
than toward Him.
This fact of life has never been more evident than in our present day society. Everyone or almost everyone is claiming
to believe in and are endeavoring to worship the same God. But all one has to do is look around at all the many and varied
sect, cults, denominations; each in an endeavor to have a relationship with the one and only True God, but each with a man
contrived form or ceremony different from the other. And in the Words of the Lord Jesus Christ, speaking to the Women at the
well, very clearly spoke this truth.John 4;21-24--Jesus said to her, Woman, believe Me, an hour is coming when neither in
this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, shall you worship the Father. You, (Samaritans) worship that which you do not know; we, (Jews)
worship that which we know; for Salvation is of the Jews. But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshiper shall
worship the Father in Spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. God is Spirit; and those who
worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.
The self willed, self centered, self motivated, self designed,self indulgent, do it my way, attitude, leads us one step
closer to the realization of the Truth declared so pointedly, that in Adam the first man and passed on to all his posterity,
is the summation of the declaration that, All have sinned and are continuing to fall short of the Glory of God. Man was created
in fellowship with God and was meant to continue on in that fellowship, (in union with God), and as a consequence Glorify
God in the life that he had been given to live, and as The Lord Jesus Christ, Who was God in bodily form, declared centuries
later, Apart from Me, or severed from Me you can do nothing.
The different divisions that have come about among, The IAm going to do it my way, mentality has so distorted the worship
in spirit that Jesus spoke of and was the hall-mark of the Apostles teaching, into revelry, debauchery, licentiousness, on
one hand, and mournful, self inflicted, shows of false piety on the other.all such displays are just giving evidence of, (The
mind set on the Flesh,) which the Scripture says is death, where-as the mind set on the Spirit is Life and Peace. The plain
and simple teaching has always been as Paul instructed the Corinthian church when it began to be segragated in these different
groups. God is not a God of disorderliness, and He is not a God of confusion. so therefore, let everything be done decently
and in an orderly manner. All revelry is just appeasing the fleshly man, and there is not such thing as, Christian Rock and
Roll. All such display is just giving into what is popular, and is the appeasing of the thinking of the Natural Minded human
It is in this separated, or estranged position that the act of disobedience continued to multiply, into untold number of
transgressions. It is these acts of disobedience, and the bent or warp, or twist, that came about in mans makeup that are
termed Sin or Sins, and it is this condition of slavery, or bondage, that mankind needs extricating from, which in scripture
is termed, Being Saved, or receiving Salvation.
Another term which God uses is Redemption of or the act of being Redeemed from under the judgment, and bondage of sin and
death. Anothers, perfect Life, given in ransom payment, (to purchase the transgressor, the one who is a slave in the realm
of darkness),and Transfer he or she into the New Realm of Life and Light, as a member of Gods New Creation. All of this was
accomplished two thousand years ago and has been and is being offered by God, to any and all who will believe His Word concerning
Jesus Christ, for it.
This is the condition which is spoken of by the Lord Himself and then through His hand picked, chosen Apostles, as, Being
dead in trespasses and Sins, and the need To born again or born from above, or to be born of Gods Spirit. Also the expression,
that in union with Adam the first, all have sinned and are continuing to fall short of the Glory of God. In the estranged
condition, separated from God, mankind has always been conscious of the need of reconciliation, (for fellowship with God,)
but failing to recognize Him as God, he continues to devise rituals, forms, and ceremonies as means of getting back into Gods
Graces. But every other way than the God devised way will get him nothing but more condemnation, and aloneness.
Since Adam and all of his posterity have come under the Righteous Judgment of Gods Judicial declaration, the end result
being eternally separated from God, in this state of death, A, New Man had to be brought into being to take the place of the
first or natural man, and this could only be done by God Himself.
The most enlightening and complete revelation of the Whole Gospel is in he writings of Paul as recorded in the Letter to
the Church at Rome. The Letter to the Roman is, The Book of Salvation. Roman 1: 15-For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, FOR
IT IS THE POWER OF GOD, UNTO (RESULTING) in SALVATION,to every one who believes. Read it, Study it, Consume it, Digest it,
that the Truth of the New Life in Christ, might become a Living Reality to you, that you might be set free into the glorious
liberty of the Family of God.
Because His Sovereign Governmental Lordship had been impugned, His holiness, His Righteousness demanded that the corrupted
creation must be terminated and a Way provided by which to bring in a New Redeemed and Renewed Creation to replace the old,
that His purpose not be thwarted. This could only be accomplished by the first being brought down to death and then being
brought back, (Resurrected) to Newness of Life.
He holds in His own hands the power of life and death. And so the plan devised in the councils of the Godhead, in the Eion;s
of ages past, was that God the Son, would be sent into this world, a body would be prepared for Him, like unto the body that
sinful mankind now possessed, (but one without the nature of sin), and would sacrifice Himself an offering upon the altar
of God, as the Ransom price.
It never has been, nor is it at present, Gods purpose or intention to change or improve upon sinful man in his natural state,
but rather to simply declare the condition as it is, That the race of Adam are all dead in Trespasses and sin, and that He,
God, had, through His Sons Death, Burial, and Resurrection in behalf of all, brought into being a New Creation. And all who
wanted to be a part of it, could be so, by accepting His son Jesus Christ as their New Source of Life, from the dead.
The example of professing Christians today is contradictory to this concept, which is the path of simple Faith, in another
person to make them acceptable to God. Let me quote from an old time scholar of the Bible, and a possessor of the New Life
of God in Christ, which he shared. William R. Newell, Quote, This is the very article and essence of Faith; that it reckons
as God does, (and not the way man does,)--that is, Faith Reckons upon God as described here,(in the writing of the Apostles),
as giving life, not to the feeble, but to the dead, to those who cannot be Recovered or helped, or so wrought upon or patched
up as to become something that they were not before; but who are absolutely hopelessly, DEAD. That God should call things
that are not as being, is what FAITH, acts upon and rejoices in! only God can call things thus.
Newell, goes on to say,Negatively, then God in justifying, (Or bestowing Salvation) to a sinner reckons to him the putting
away, (to death), sin and self by Christ Blood, (the life and the blood being equated as one). Positively; He places the believing
redeemed sinner in Christ: he is one with Christ, sharing His life, forever, eternally, before God.
The Work of God in this age of Grace, as attested to by the Lord Jesus Christ, and recorded by the Apostle John, 6:29-Jesus
answered and said to them,This is the Work of God, that you believe in Him Whom He has sent. The one sent of God, is His Son
the Lord Jesus Christ, The Lord of Life.
Salvation is unequivocally a Work of God, provided for, and completed for the race of mankind. It is constituted of a Work
accomplished for mankind and in mankind. God the Heavenly father, being the architect, God the Son, being the Workman, and
God the Holy Spirit, being the channel through which the Work is made a Living Reality to any and all who will exercise the
gift of Faith in behalf of Gods Word, as Revealed to the world in the Person of the One known as, The Lord Jesus Christ.
All of the benefits of the Work are Procured by faith, in The Lord Jesus Christ.
It is my hearts desire, and hope and prayer that all who will give themselves to reading my writings, will use discernment
and not be led by all of the religious jargon of our day, but will let their hearts and minds be directed to the One Whom
God has set forth to be the propitiation for our Justification from sin and Justification unto Newness of Life, (place of
complete acquittal, and an acceptable meeting place between God and man)
The Words of Jesus Supersedes every other teaching, He said,No one comes unto the Father but by,ME.
Salvation, therefore is the fact that God has always held Himself responsible for providing for mankinds salvation. The
Law had declared,do this and live, and the Jew had misunderstood and put all their confidence and trust in their ability to
do what they misconstrued the law to say. When Jesus came, He being the Embodiement of God in the form of man, asumed tis
Responsibility as God and, it is written, "But I tell you this". In pressenting the people of His day with this concept, He
was telling them, You have been placing your confidence in your own ability to do certain things which you think will give
you acceptance with God. but now Im telling you to transfer all of the confidence you've placed in yourself to Me. Here-in
lies the fulfillment of His invitation to the people as recorded in the Gospel writings. Matt. 11:25-30, "At that time Jesus
answered and said, I praise Thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that Thou didst hide these tings from the wise and intelligent
and didst reveal them to babes. Yes Father, for thus it was well pleasing in Thy sight. All things have been handed over to
Me by My Father; and no one knows the Son, except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father, except the Son, and anyone
Search your own heart, by what means are you trying to have a relationship with the Living God, the God of Heaven?
Years later after the revelation had been made so plain and clear, the Apostle Paul encouraged the beleivers in the Corinthian
Assembly, to, Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not know this about yourselves,
that Jesus Christ is in you--unless indeed you fail the test?
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