
Jehovah-God's Eternal Covenant:
A Life Or Death Propisition
Life In These Difficult Times
The Mystery Of The Ages:
The Mystery Of The Ages: Cont-
A Rest For The People Of God
Wake Up America
Contact Me
Christian Optimism--Hope
A Gift Forfeited
Fundamentals Of The Faith:
God's So Great Salvation:
Introductory Synopsis:
Where It All Began
Why The Bible ?
Jehovah-God's Eternal Covenant:
The American Dream:
Under Law--Under Grace
I Need Help--You Need Help:
What Is Truth?
To Know God--The Way Of Life:
All Things Pertaining To Life And Godliness
Two Great Kingdoms:
On Whom Does, The Accomplishment Of God's Purpose, For Mankind Depend?
God Is Faithful--He Keeps His Promises:
Choose To Be Chosen:
Sum And Substance:

A Life Or Death Proposition;

For As Many As May be the Promises of God, in Him (Jesus) they are Yes;

Now When Abram was ninety-nine years old,

The Lord appeared to Abram and said to him,

I Am God Almighty;Walk Before Me,and be Blameless.

And I Will establish My Covenant Between Me and You,

And I Will Multiply you exceedingly.Gen 1:1-2


Incorporated in this Covenant are Two Parts. These two parts are seen throughout the entire writings of Scripture. First in Genesis 3:15-.Here first of all is seen the conflict that would ensue, between the Seed of the Woman and the Evil One who had, because of Pride in his own appearance, and the exalted position that God had bestowed upon him in the reaalm of Heaven, endeavored to usurp the position of the Son of God at Gods right hand. Ezekiel 28:11-19, He through a lie introduced disobedience and lawlessness into the race of mankind through Adam the first man. This bent, warp, twist, became the dominating nature of the race of Mankind, inherited from our father Adam. Rom. 5: 12-6:11. 11Cor. 2: 14-17.

Thus it can be seen, the two parts of the covenant were and still are, a message of Life unto or resulting in Life, and the converse is a message of Death, unto death or resulting in death. The First is predicated on, FAITH IN GODS WORD, resulting in the Gift of New Life, eternal life, and the other is predicated on unbelief, resulting in Spiritual & Physical, Death which has been passed on to us through our natural lineage from Adam, the First man. 1Cor. 15:45-58.

0f any and all who would desire to benefit as a recipient of the Covenant of God, which was made with the Race of Man, (the Way was barred, transgression against Gods Perfect Way, making mankind imperfect), kept him out of Gods Presence. Abraham was Gods choice of vessel to be used by Him to Establish the human Lineage, through which the Way Back would be provided God reserved the Right to Produce the One of His Choice, through which the Inheritance would be passed on and He also reserved the right to Himself to designate,or Choose those to become Joint Heirs With His Son when He came. The Way into this group of Chosen Ones was Closed to everyone until Gods appointed time had arrived. Gal. 4: 4--7. The time had come When Jesus Arrived and at the beginning of His Ministry, announced His purpose for coming. John 10:9--11. Perhaps the most revealing statement made to man are His Words. I came that they might have Life and have it abundantly. The inference embodied in this statement of His, i thaat without the Gift of New Life which He came to provide mankind is dead in trespasses and sins. Of course we who Truly Believe His Words and accomplishments, know this Life to be the Spiritual one that Adam the first had forfeited. It is a Life of Higher Quality and finds its fulfillment and accomplishments in the Spiritual Realm and not just in the physical, material one. These become only By-Products of the Greater, Eternal Life, while the True Believeers live out the remainder of their alloted time here on earth.

The consequence of Christ obedience, when believed for ones-self, is to be brought to a Spiritual Knowledge of now having a New Identification, an Identification in Oneness, Corporate Union with a Living Lord and Savior, and no longer recognize the old identification with a Dead in Trespasses and Sin, old lord and master, the natural man descended from Adam, by which we where compelled to do the things we have known all of our lives, we shouldnt be doing. This is the Revealed Mystery that has elluded mankind, and has been hidden from him through spiritual blindness, which Paul describes in his Ephesian Letter as, Christ in You The Hope of Glory.

This consent must become the foundation for our ability to understand what has transpired throughout recorded history and is being played out so graphically before our eyes in the doings of mankind in or day.

The question has been asked over and over millions of times whenever a tragic time occurs that effects mans psyche the way Pearl Harbor did, or the events of Sept.Eleventh have. Why did or does God allow this?
In each instance the answer is the same. God could do no other, Two thousand years ago He provided Redemption for mankind from the old state of Physical and Spiritual Death inherited from our father Adam. But mankind in the main refused it then and has been refusing it ever since.

The Covenant God made was an Eternal Covenant, (Hebrew, Olam), everlasting and contained both aspects as we have mentioned. He Reestablished the Covenant with Abraham, then reconfirmed it with Isaac,& Jacob, Included in the Covenant is the bigger picture of He, God being Identified with the Land, and with the People of the Land, all of which culminated in the accomplished redemptive work of Jesus Christ. Which Work not only involved the Jew, but any and all from the nations of the world, who would believe him for it. His way and the only way is the FAITH WAY. The Lord Jesus said it,I Am the way and the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Feather but by Me. Salvation is of the Jew,(Israel). John 4: 21-24.Jesus Christ being the True Israel of God.

The Jew, Gods own chosen people, with whom He identified in order to bring this redemption about, rejected Him. They Refused to accept Him as the Son of God their Savior. The Decedents of Ishmael, Abraham's son by Hagar the Bond servant, refused to accept that the Covenant God had made with Abraham, was to find its fulfillment in Isaac and Consequently through Jesus Christ.Gal. 3: 16-But read Ver. 6--22. Thus the antagonism observed between these two peoples throughout their long and troubled history, is the result of their trying to have it their way and not Gods way.

Thus we have the Age old conflict, motivated by the spirit of evil in the innermost being of mankind who refuse to accept Gods Word for the Way in which the estrangement between man and God and man and man, can be reconciled. The Militant Islamic hoard, under this delusion that they can have it their way, if they can just eliminate the Jew from off the land, and because they and all who throughout the ages have become captivated by this lie of the Evil nature by which they are motivated, pursue this same course of action.

But in order to eliminate the Jew from the Messianic Hope and the Hope of a land that is their very own, the only way they see to do it is by putting them all to death. This is the story of the history of the world, But in order to so deal with Israel, this evil spirit of motivation, then drives these self-styled despots, who would rule the world by controlling the land of Israel, (that is Identified with God and His people,) they have then to inflict enough destruction upon any and all that will align themselves with and come to the Aid of Israel. This kind of action they use to try and drive the other nations of the world, through fear, to align themselves with the Arab, (or anyone else who at the time has become a self-styled World Ruler,) rather then with Israel.

All of which as I have said is repeated over and over throughout the Writings of the Bible. The Jist of which is Centered in the Eternal Covenant.

For a Scriptural insight, one must read the Prophets. For a somewhat condensed presentation of What has been going on in the World Since the Children of Israel became a nation under the leadership of Moses. They were banned from off the land because of disobedience to the Revealed Word of their God. God brought them back out of Captivity from their Seventy Years of banishment to Babylon. They were banished because they failed to faithfully keep Gods Covenant with them when He led them out of Egypt. They had lived Four Hundred and Ninety Years in the land and were rebellious, part of their rebellion was that they were to keep every Seventh year as a year for the land to rest, just like their seventh day each week. Well they didnt keep any of it, so God collected all Seventy Years at once. He is faithful to His Word, whether He has promised Blessing or Judgment, He is faithful.

I suggest you read Zecharaiah, And perhaps Daniel 9:, and 1Thessalonians 4:13--5:1--24. Also 11:Thessalonians 1:5--2:--12 and Ver.16--17. These writings give a concise insight into the history of the Jew and Arab people that have lived around them for the last Twenty five Hundred to Three Thousand Years. Also we can observe how the other people, such as the Romans and the Greek, (Gentiles) have related to and been effected by their actions. Also we are given an understanding of everything that has happened in the world, in these years since the day of His crusafiction, and that which we can expect in the time yet remaining until His Promised Return, to put down all of mans uprising and rebellion against accepting His Covenant of l Life and Peace. His Way!

Who this Evil One will be only God knows, but is is plain that all that has been happening in the World is directly related to Israels attitude to their God, and the Rest of the World of mankind and their attitude toward God and then their attitude toward Israel, then toward the Body of True Believers. But we must be aware of the fact that the body of professing believers and their attitude toward both of these groups, reveals them to not be a body of true believers in the main, but just like Israel. in ignorance, they display a zeal for God , but not according to knowledge. The Name of the Lord is being Blasphemed among the rest of the world by them. They are trying to teach the Word of God and havent allowed themselves to be taught by God, the only True Source of the Truth, as He has revealed it to the World through the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 1: 17--31, Colossians 1: 25--2:1--14.

Man everywhere is crying out for Peace and is rejecting the only Real Peace he will ever have a chance to know. Ephesians 2:8--22. People who have been hurt by tragedy and are sick with anguish and grief, are crying out for healing, but the only one who has this power or ability to heal, is the Great Physician, the healer of mans Souls and Spirits. The Lord And Savior, The Lord Jesus Christ.

I believe there are some good times ahead to be enjoyed, but Im sure there are some Terrible times ahead also, more terrible then the World has ever seen before.

The Hope the Believer has is that He, God, has Promised to Save us from the Wrath to come. 1Thessalonians 1: 10. Rom. 5:8--9

The American Dream