
Wake Up America
A Life Or Death Propisition
Life In These Difficult Times
The Mystery Of The Ages:
The Mystery Of The Ages: Cont-
A Rest For The People Of God
Wake Up America
Contact Me
Christian Optimism--Hope
A Gift Forfeited
Fundamentals Of The Faith:
God's So Great Salvation:
Introductory Synopsis:
Where It All Began
Why The Bible ?
Jehovah-God's Eternal Covenant:
The American Dream:
Under Law--Under Grace
I Need Help--You Need Help:
What Is Truth?
To Know God--The Way Of Life:
All Things Pertaining To Life And Godliness
Two Great Kingdoms:
On Whom Does, The Accomplishment Of God's Purpose, For Mankind Depend?
God Is Faithful--He Keeps His Promises:
Choose To Be Chosen:
Sum And Substance:

Secluded Home At black sand beach, Punaluu, HI

Questions That Plague The Troubled Heart & Mind

The Lord Jesus Christ is God's answer for all Situations

WHO IS YOUR GOD ? What Is His Name?

Why has God allowed this to happen? This is a Question that has been asked by troubled minds on every occasion of tragedy in the affairs of man throughout the Centuries.

Has your God ever Lied to you ? If so, he is not, The True God:

The Apostle Paul has declared in his letter to Titus, Titus 1:-1,Paul a bond-servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, for the faith of those chosen of God and the knowledge of the Truth which is according to godliness, in hope of eternal life, which God, WHO CANNOT LIE, promised long ago, but at the proper time manifested, even His Word, in the proclamation with which I was entrusted, even according to the commandment of God our Savior.(Even The Lord Jesus Christ.)

Are there conflicts in your concept or understanding of what your God wants of you or in what He is doing in this age in which we live ?

Why is there so much confusion and diversities in the world among people and the many religious or ethnic groups ? Which group or groups have a system of worship, (of practices), that has been prescribed to them by This One and Only True God? That is the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David, the One Who has declared Himself to be the One and Only True God and Creator. The Lord Jesus Christ, The Messiah of God, when speaking to the Samaritan Woman at the Well in Samaria, made these very emphatic statements; John 4:21-26-Woman, believe Me, and hour is coming when neither in this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, shall you worship the Father. You worship that which you do not know; we worship that which we know; for Salvation is from the Jews. But an hour is coming and now is, when the True Worshiper shall worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth; for such people the Father seeks to e His worshipers. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth. The woman said to Him, I know that Messiah is coming, (He who is called the Christ):when that one come, He shall declare all things to us. Jesus said to her, I WHO SPEAK TO YOU AM HE.

How much of your Religious Practices is MAN designed or Man Reasoned? Are they forms and ceremonies; or they truly in, Spirit and in truth?

God has said repeatedly, The Reasoning of man are vain.

Do these practices do anything for you, in delivering you from servitude to all your natural inclinations? A troubled conscience,? Or guilt from what you know yourself to be in Gods sight? Do these practices really fulfill your every need, or do they only white-wash over the troubled conscience?

Which group has the hope or assurance of a life acceptable to God here and now, and also, in the eternity beyond death and the grave?

These and innumerable more such questions are on the minds of people everywhere, and we hear them expressed from people of every walk of life.

For some answers to these and other dilemmas in life, go to the following pages for answers.


In the anguish of any moment of national or world tragedy, the cry goes up from people of every culture or religion or ethnic group. God Bless Us. or in the case of America, Hymns are sung, Prayers are voiced when and where they have been forbidden before. There is a great innate need realized knowingly or unknowingly, of ones own hopelessness, and helplessness to do anything about the immediate need felt, and so the cry goes out, God Bless Us.

Stop for a minute and think it through America, all of you. Whether you consider yourself to be religious according to the vernacular of the day, or whether you consider yourself to be a True Believer in, The Good News of God, concerning His Son Jesus Christ. What is it you are crying out for?

Are you really asking God to pacify your injured feelings? Are you asking God to condone, the Lewdness displayed in the face of the world, are you asking God to condone the unethical business practices, the unethical and immoral political shenanigans, the illegal, (because of the manipulative manner in which our legal, judicial practices are being carried on in our nation)Unethical Manipulation of the justice system, usually for Political expediency, only to name a few, so that when the crises has subsided, we can go right back to the old way of doing things. The way mankind has shown himself so prone to do? What is it about our way of life, that we are so anxious about, and have such a desire to hold on to? Is it really our freedom to live as God meant mankind to live, or is this freedom misconstrued to mean that we can go right on living any kind of a life we think we can get by with, giving no consideration to the consequences?

According to Biblical Enlightenment, when man blesses God, he Eulogizes, Praises, Gives Glory to God by way of Vocal Expression for all the Goodness of God showered upon him,This is termed, the sacrifice of praise, the fruit of your lips. But most of all in the Biblical concept, when man blesses God , he praises him for His so great Salvation which He has so lavishly bestowed upon him with no strings attached, freely given, which is all in the Spiritual realm.

When, according to: The Gospel according to Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles, (by a Revelation given to him directly from the Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ,) God Blesses man, He bestows Benefactions, Gifts, upon man. This Blessing Bestowment, Paul expounds, (in his letters to the Churches,) has all been given Two Thousand years ago, and they are all Spiritual, and come to us in and through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the moment faith is exercised in Him as Ones own Lord and Savior. But according to Pauls gospel, this entails acceptance by faith, personally, that they also died, vicariously, in the death to sin that Jesus Died, and now are alive in Him through His Resurrected Life..

Having missed the spiritual depth of meaning in His Death for every person, the majority of professing persons, dont see themselves, truly, as New Creation in Christ, and revert to trying to work out under legal principals, a life that they rationalize to be what God requires of them. Where-as, the Truth of the Good New is, that, an entirely New Life is imputed,(put to the Account of the True Believeer, for Him-Her to draw upon moment by moment. To the True Believer, the New Life is administered by the Holy Spirit of God, for it is the Spirit Who gives Life.

Consequently, Mankind has misinterpreted these blessings to be primarily in the natural, physical and material realms. We Americans being of all people on earth, with greater abundance of wealth and prosperity than most of the rest of the worlds inhabitants, when we see this in danger of being jeopardized, it strikes right to the heart of who it is and what it is that is our God, and what it is that we deem most important to what we claim, to be our way of life, no matter how depraved or counterfeit it really is in the majority of instances, This circumstance encompasses all the aspects of our society, business, industry, politics, amusement, sports, yes and worst of all is in all the Sects, Cults, variations of denominational organized religion under the umbrella of worshiping God.

Paul expounds further, that this blessing of God, is through His Grace poured out, according to His Mercy and they all have come to the race of mankind through the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Cor. 1:2-9, & Eph.1:3-10, & 2nd peter 1: 11. The Apostle Paul in his letters, enumerates these Mercys to be plural. In the Letter to the Romans he expounds them at length, to be Nine in all. 1. Justification--complete acquittal of all charges,-- pardon and the removal of all sin from the True Believer. 2. Identification--A New standing before God,-- taken out of the first Adam through death with Christ Jesus, now dead to sin and the law--now alive in The Risen Lord Jesus Christ. 3. This New Life now to be lived under Grace, not Law. 4. The Holy Spirit of God now indwelling,-- now no condemnation,-- freedom from the old sinful nature of bondage,-- and His witnessing of full Sonship and Heirship. 5. Help from this ever present Comforter with our infirmity--while under going these present sufferings which the Believer must endure while living out the remainder of his or her life here on earth. 6. Our calling and Election by Deity(God)--to be conformed to the Image of Jesus Christ, as His Brothers and Sisters. 7. The Hope of Eternal Glory,--which surpasses any comparison that can be made by the natural mind of man, with the present circumstances we are caused to endure at the hands of the enemy of our souls. 8. No Separation--Gods Love in Christ has become an eternal bond. 9. Complete confidence in Gods faithfulness--Sworn to by God who took and Oath on His own name, to all of His promises made to Abraham, and to Israel, (the sons of Jacob), and to those of all nation that would truly believe, when He came in the Person of His promised Messiah. The Promised Savior of mens souls.

I am well aware of the many ways in which the Bible is considered, looked at, approached. But much of its Spiritual significance is lost, because the approach is primarily under the natural, intellectual reasoning of man. God has declared over and over through His recorded word, That the reasonings of men are vain.

Jesus said, John 5: 39-40,The Scriptures spoke of Him The Apostle Paul writes, Gal. 3:24-Therefore the Law (first Testament writing),has become our tutor, (Pedagogue, School Master, File Leader) to lead us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

This Book should be approached in a Spirit of Worship, in Spirit and in Truth for it truly is the Recorded Word of God revealing the Living Word, Jesus the Christ. Through Him, He has spoken to the world of mankind. The Totality of which directs our attention to the Promised One, His Messiah, The Lord Jesus Christ, through Whom He has Spoken, (Told Himself out, explained Him) John 1: 18- & Heb. 1: 1-2. Let us pursue a couple of thoughts to illustrate.

The very existence of two groups of people is predicated on two accounts that the whole world is very familiar with. The departure of the nation Israel, from Slavery in Egypt, (spoken of as the Exodus), to their arrival into the Promised land. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, appointed Moses, as His servant over the House of Israel to lead them in this Exodus, (Exit-departure-leaving off) from their life of (slavery), bondage to Egypt. This Departure was under The Judgment of death there in the land of servitude, and the promise of a New Life if they obeyed and followed, His, Gods leading of Moses. Thus Moses fulfilled the Type, (as a Servant over the house of Israel) of which, The Lord Jesus Christ was the Reality as a Son over Gods House, (all of the True Blood Bought Believers), from the time of Abel until the end of the Millennium Reign, when once again all things will revert back to the Sovereignty of the Godhead.

The next account we will consider at this time is the account in the Gospel Writing, according to Luke (9: 29-31) And while He,(Jesus) was praying, the appearance of His face became different, and His clothing became white and gleaming. And behold, two men were talking with:Him and they were Moses and Elijah, (The greatest of Gods Servants,and the one who God appointed to lead the first exodus, preceding the time during the Law and the Prophets) who appearing in glory, were speaking with Him of His departure , (death, Exit-departure from this life through death and entrance into the Heavenly Life through the Resurrection. The words used in both the First and Second Testaments, referring to the two events are the same root word. Thus the Type or Shadow always speaks of the Greater, which was Messiahs Work to accomplish.

The way into this world is through a New Life being born, and the way out is through death.Israel was born according to the Promised offspring of Abraham, Namely, Isaac, and their identity was given to them by God through Jacob, Isaacs son, when God changed his name from Jacob to Israel, (Princes or Children of God). Being of the same nature as their father Jacob, they became a divided, dysfunctional family and ended up as slave in Egypt, just as they had sold their brother Joseph into slavery to Egypt, years before them. Figuratively speaking, they all died in Egypt, through the Lamb slain, and all came out under the Blood on the doorposts and header of each dwelling.This Sign of the Blood, spoke of the Lamb of God, Slain from before the foundation of the World. (John 1: 29).

Vicariously all Believers Exited this life in the death of Jesus, (Exodus) and entered into that New Life, The Heavenly One, through being raised to, Newness of Life in Jesus Christs Resurrection. Romans 6: 3-11.

When God ushered them out,(when they exited),(Exodus, departed), they did so as a mixed multitude. Any and all that would identify), themselves with or under Moses, were accepted by their God, and has been so by them untill this day. Their big problem was, they didnt all come out willingly, but grudgingly, not in true faith, and the whole generation of those twenty years old and upward died in the Forty Years of Wilderness wandering, not ever seeing the Land of Promise, or of ever finding the Rest that God was inviting them to come and share with Him from all their hard labor of slavery, all of their own doing.

When Jesus Christ came as the Lamb of God to give His Life a ransom for many, it was not just for Israel only, but for the Sin of the whole world. According to the Covenant made to Abraham, All nations would be blessed through Him, the Promised Seed, (Offspring). And so when it was time for Jesus, Gods appointed Savior, He would do so as the New Head of a New Race of People, believers, both Jew and Gentile, with a New Distinction, neither Jew or Gentile but New Creations in Christ. Ephesian 2: 11-18, For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast.

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which god prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

Therefore remember, that formerly you, the gentiles in the flesh, who are called,Uncircumcision by the so called circumcision, which is performed in the flesh by human hands--that you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel and stranger to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in this world.

But Now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one, and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordnances, that in Himself, He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace, and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity.

And He came and preached peace to you who were far away, and to those who were near; for through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the father.

Jesus, Himself said, I came to seek and to save that which was lost: He did so. He died not, just for us, but as us . He not only took our place as substitute, but He represented, Identified as us, as each one of us. Here is the way the enlightenment given to Paul caused him to express it. 11 Cor. 5: 14-21, For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died, and He died for all, that they who live should no longer live for, (out from their own strength or will) themselves, but for (out from Him, by His Life) Him who died and rose again on their behalf.

Therefore from now on we recognize no man according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer.

Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were entreating through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.

He made Him Who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we become the righteousness of God in Him.

Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old thing passed away; behold, new things have come. Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ, and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation.

Thus when Moses and Elijah, spoke to Jesus of His Decease, Moses who had led the great Exodus out of Egypt, under the sign of the Blood, were probably comparing notes with Jesus, of how much greater the Exodus would be which He was about to lead. The writer of the Gospel according to Matthew records that, Matt. 27-50-53- And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. And behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom, and the earth shook; and the rocks were split, and the tombs were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the Tombs after is resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many.

The Apostle Paul speaks of Him as, leading a host of captives, captive, into heaven when He ascended. These resurrected ones must have comprised that host. From the day of Pentecost till now, multitudes have accepted identification with His death burial and resurrection, and are considered a part of that great host of heaven. Even though the departure from this life of bondage to the old identity with the natural race of men, has been provided for by God in its entirety, (a complete redemption,) yet in comparison to the whole of humanity in any generation, only a remnant has responded. And of that remnant, like Israel that came out of Egypt, completely free, multitudes fell along the way, never entering Gods rest. So it is in all ages since then, multitudes of professing believers have and are falling along the way never realizing the complete rest that is theirs in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ in their behalf. Instead they are deluded by false teaching, that they have to do something to improve upon themselves and their society. putting out a lot of self-effort trying to accomplish that which only God in Jesus Christ can accomplish. All of the church building effort devised by man and all dust being kicked up by well meaning people is only a counterfeit for the redemption and the gift of New Life being offered by God in His Son.

There is yet another Departure, (Apostasy, calling out, leaving off, exodus), that we are taught is yet to come, when the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. This is when God calls His Holy spirit out of this World just prior to the time of His Wrath Poured Out, The time spoken of as Jacobs Trouble, a time of Three and a Half years when Satan through the Anti Christ, a great despotic World ruler, who has rejected the Eternal Covenant of God, and has inter-posed a false concept upon the unbelieving world, which is being propagated in many Cults and Sects, the most pronounced of which has always been the Descendants of Ishmael and Esau. These are Known today as Islam, or the Radical Followers of Mohammeds Teaching. These are today identifying themselves in many countries under many and varied names, all with the same intent, that of destroying Israel, the Jew and the Christian.

There is only one way to be counted among the number of this great heavenly host, and that is by faith in Gods proposed Gift of New Life in The Lord Jesus Christ. Faith is the instrument by which a child is caused to be Born Anew into the family of God. The accomplishment of the Birth is all wrought by God The Holy Spirit, for it is the Spirit Who gives Life.

Too few have accepted New Life as a Gift from God in Jesus Christ, and are going on their own way, developing a so called life-style according to their own satisfaction, deceived into thinking that just by doing some good along the way, that will be enough to warrant Gods Blessing. Here lies the reason for all the trouble still remaining in the world, a world and its affairs all run by men, and God is left out, or a distorted concept of God is being adhered to.

Wake up America, its later than you think, The Time For His Appearing is very near at hand.

There are two voices that mankind has heard from Jehovah-God. The One is the voice from Mt. Sainai, A voice thunderous in awfulness of judgment, Pronouncing Death, to every act of disobedience. The other voice from the Top of a little hill called Calvary. This is the voice of the Love of God being expressed for every person. This is the voice of Reconcilliation. America; Won't you be Reconciled to God?

White Coral-Tourist use it for Graphitti along the Highway

Christian Optimism--Hope